
Fallout new vegas goodsprings secrets
Fallout new vegas goodsprings secrets

fallout new vegas goodsprings secrets

Sell an item or two to the trader so he has two of them.ģ. Find something in your inventory that you have two of or something that you and the shop keeper both have.

fallout new vegas goodsprings secrets

This will boost the amount of money he has.Ģ. Find any shop-based trader and sell him any stuff in your inventory that you don't need and complete the transaction.

fallout new vegas goodsprings secrets

Like Fallout 3, you can use this trading exploit to earn essentially infinite amounts of caps, items, repairs and ammunition. The Snow Globe is sitting in front of the marker. Goodsprings Cemetery / Near the water tower is a patch of upturned soil by a small, rectangular grave marker. The Snow Globe can be found on a desk here. Hoover Dam / Search the visitor center for a terminal near two curved desks. It's on a table in the corner under a mural. Nellis Air Force Base / Pete's makeshift museum holds this Snow Globe. Vault 21 / After you access Sarah's locked bedroom, grab this Snow Globe off of the table between the two beds. Lucky 38 Casino / Head to the cocktail lounge and look for the cash register. The Snow Globe is on top of a bookcase here. Old Mormon Fort / Julie Farkas has an office inside a tower at the fort. This Snow Globe is sitting on a curved desk by some terminals. Jacobstown / In the lodge, search the entrance and reception area. Here are the locations of all seven: Unlockable: The Globe Trotter Achievement / Trophy requires you to collect seven Snow Globes in New Vegas. It is recommended you save your game often when doing this just in case the game freezes.

fallout new vegas goodsprings secrets

Note: This glitch can cause the game to freeze. Repeat this until they have no more money. Buy it again, and it will appear at 100% condition. Sell it back to them, and it will reappear in their inventory at the original low % condition. Usually the second, but sometimes the third time, you buy the same item from them, and it will appear in your inventory at 100% condition. Buy it again, and sell it back to them again. Purchase the cheapest of the two items, and then immediately sell it back to the merchant. For instance, if he has two Raider Sadist Armors at 45% and 76$, but also has two Flamers at 20% and 8%, then choose the Flamers. If you can afford it, get the overall most expensive item at the lowest condition. Go to a weapons and/or armor merchant, and see if he has two of the same weapon or armor for sale. Note: This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game. Simply keep trading in the chips for caps to get as many caps as desired. You will get the equivalent for the chips in caps, but you will still retain all your chips. Go to the cash register to trade the chips in for caps. Either win as many chips as possible from gambling or buy as many chips as possible. Wait a few days for NPC's to spawn inside. Go to Primm, and successfully complete the quest to get them a new sheriff.

Fallout new vegas goodsprings secrets